Dear Friends
We have a lovely full house and much to celebrate this Christmas. We have been blessed with good health, a wonderful team of Cavernites who welcome all the holiday makers and beautiful soaking rains this summer.
We share our commitments as we approach the New Year.
May we sprinkle kindness where ever possible.
Last night as I called Bingo I was particularly impressed by the crowd of families, older folk and little children. One lovely old gentleman battled to hear the numbers and the whole house responded by being quiet. Just still and aware. It was the quietest Bingo I have ever hosted and just such a happy and positive evening.
May we be more mindful.
Social media, the bombardment of on-line reviews and being constantly available results in us missing out on special moments. In 2018, may we say no to more, be more present with loved ones and let the important happenings feed our souls.
May we be generous in spirit.
The recent Reading report left us all feeling a bit shattered. 80% of Grade 4 children cannot read with understanding. The communities that are most affected are the disadvantaged and rural spaces. While this is frustrating and disappointing, it certainly reminds us of the importance of our work through the Khanyisela Project and Royal Drakensberg Primary. We commit once more to giving of time and resources to the children in this area.
We wish you all peace, joy and hope in 2018.
Much love,
The Cavern family