Meet Elsa Pooley

We have just returned from a really special book launch in Durban. This book, “South African Indigenous Garden Plants – the gardener’s guide”, has been over a decade in the making and we have seen the hours of labour poured into creating it. Elsa is co-author but she is also host to our Wild Flower weekend, and together with Gillian Condy, they run our Nature Journaling & Botanical Art Courses at The Cavern. They are a formidable team.

The Nature Journaling Course was completed in early March and at the celebratory certificate ceremony not only did we engage with the participants, but we got to see their amazing work. Work that is inspired by the natural surrounds, guided by Gill and Elsa, and crafted by each of them. Gill and Elsa create a nurturing space for artists and their passion for art and the outdoors makes this a memorable time in the berg.

In today’s blog, we learn a bit more about the indigenous plant lady that is a national treasure, that is Elsa Pooley!

Where did you grow up?
All over southern Africa – born in Joburg, senior primary school in Salisbury, Rhodesia in the 1950s, high school in Pietermaritzburg.

What experiences from your childhood drove your passion for nature and gardens?
My parents were keen gardeners, and all five children were encouraged to have our own patch of garden. Although we lived in town, we went out into the country at weekends, to wild places. A love of natural history and the land is inherent in all of us, imbued through our parents.

Why do you think the Drakensberg is so special?
Because it is! The flora of the Drakensberg and Lesotho is one of the ‘hot spots’ in Africa – an area with a very high proportion of plants found there and nowhere else. The combination of stunning landscapes, amazing plants, birds and other wildlife, sparkling mountain streams is unique in South Africa. And the plants – many of them are unique to Africa and the world.

Why did you decide to add Nature Journaling as a course?
This course offers a completely different way to experience the mountains. When you draw and paint, you are immersed in the natural world around you. There really is no better way to relax and de-stress than sitting out in the mountains recording your surroundings in words and sketches, feeling the wind, hearing the birds. No skills are required, but your teachers will help on the drawing and painting side of things. You are creating an illustrated diary, for yourself – no pressure!

What’s keeping you busy at the moment?
I am about to join my co-authors, Geoff Nichols and Andrew Hankey, on a road trip around KwaZulu-Natal to launch our new book South African Indigenous Garden Plants the gardeners guide. After KZN we head to Cape Town and Johannesburg to complete the book launches. This book has taken over 10 years to complete, with a few lifetimes of experience in the growing information. Many growers around the country shared their knowledge, and over 140 people donated their photographs, which has helped keep the price of the book affordable.

2 thoughts on “Meet Elsa Pooley”

    1. Megan Carte Bedingham

      We couldn’t agree more! Such an inspirational lady that has dedicated so much time and knowledge!

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