Lawn Bowls at The Cavern

Our social (with a touch of serious) Lawn Bowls Competition has been happening for-e-v-e-r. And, it rolls around quite quickly. This year we held our tournament in October. Much earlier than previous years but Hilton had installed a pump at Charleswood Dam and so we could water even before the rains came. The greens were well covered and the bowlers were quite complimentary! And, we had a new hollowtiner which gathered many an “ooh” and an “aah”. Of course, we are thinking of hiring Hilton and the machine out in Durbs! Watch this space!

The bowlers are an awesome bunch. All ages, but we were definitely the youngsters and we did keep reminding them. We were hoping our youth would intimidate them but their age and expertise was just way good to for us once-a-year-bowlers. We were pleased to win one game. We were possibly a little too enthusiastic in our cheers and had to adopt the drive-and-crash approach to really upset the bowling cart!

We had 6 teams in total but played 22 ends each morning and each afternoon. Plenty of lunges! And, it was lovely because we met everyone and it just felt a little less pressurised than in the past. We chatted, found out about families and grandchildren and shared some excellent laughs. We loved all the bowling chirps and were getting right into the swing of things towards the end. We had the right weight, not too much grass, occasionally we bowled pearlers and there were a couple of lucky wicks! At one point we were peeling but a few blockers and too much tea and cake meant we ended on a minus 12!

Get one and run, two and tea and before we knew it, we were done. Our winners so deserved this win. Dear Dave and Noreen visited last year but weren’t well enough to join in. This year, with renewed health, they won all their games. Errol & team were the runners up and Peter and his side came in 3rd position. It was such fun that we have decided to do it all again in 2018….

2 thoughts on “Lawn Bowls at The Cavern”

    1. Megan Carte Bedingham

      Hello Arvind
      Unfortunately no plans to host a tournament this year.
      But always the option of friendly bowls with fellow visitors.
      Warm wishes,

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