TIME: 4½ hours return, longer by various circular routes.
DISTANCE: 7 km return.
TERRAIN: Undulating to steep, with some fairly easy scrambles.
The starting point is the car park behind the 70s block. Follow the route through the Fern Forest. Once into the open turn right up the hill as though going to Echo Cave. At the base of the cliffs do not turn into the forest, but ease around to the right. There is no real path, but game tracks make life easier. Pass through a small wooded area, and immediately look out on the left for Scilla Gully. This is named after an abundant, beautiful, large, blue flower, Scilla natalensis, that grows from a bulb. The gully leads through the rock face to the top of the first cliffs. Once above this gap the route can easily be seen slightly to the right. Up the Knife Edge of the ridge a small rock face looks a difficult obstacle, but is easily surmounted. The summit is the highest point of The Cavern property, at 2127 m, where one stands on Jurassic lava flows. The sentinel rock-thrush might be there too.

The shortest route home is to return the same way, but there are several alternatives. One is to proceed along the top towards Witsieshoek, and turn left and downwards near Venus’ Bath. Another is to follow the Little Berg towards Sungubala, to descend the Sungubala Pass. Yet another route goes via Troglodytes. The longest way home, allow all day for this, is to drop down to Metsi Matsi dam, and then follow the river back up the Little Berg towards Sugar Loaf. Then descend through Sugar Loaf Gap.