It’s the new year and we have cleaned up, packed the decorations away and have made plenty of resolutions about getting fit and eating less and being more mindful…

How long do these resolutions last? Probably not long enough to really get much attention but cleaning up certainly works well in our household. We have a family rule – if you haven’t used it or worn it in the last year, it must be tossed. There are way too many other people who could use it, wear it or love it. There is no need to hold onto things that actually weigh you down, clutter your life or make you mope about days gone by…

And, at the Cavern we collect a multitude of Lost Property. I am always rather amused at what gets claimed and what is just left and forgotten. Old teddies, worn out from too much loving, hot water bottles, special pillows which are properly treasured and the occasional shaggy pair of shoes are top on the Priority-Mail-Return-to-Sender list. The swanky tops, branded caps and new toys are never claimed.
The unclaimed lot find their way to our storeroom and each quarter we arrange a giant Jumble Sale. We also ask our prospective guests to pack their “throw-aways” and to bring them to the berg. This collection is then carefully sorted by our Khanyisela Project administrators, Daphne & David Thurlwell, and then sold or distributed in the community.

The toys and books are normally collected for the pre-schools but the clothing, linen and curtaining is sold at a very reasonable rate. The funds raised are then channelled into our school projects and it is this great circle that sustains a rural community.
In 2018, worry less about the eating plan, but do spend an afternoon culling the cupboard. Chuck-out, throw-out and feel much lighter in 2018!