
Black Sparrowhawk

For the past couple of months the big pines above Charlesworth Dam have concealed a mystery creature. The evidence has been a series of wails, screeches and other spooky noises. Suggestions have ranged from mating bushpigs to Tokoloshes. Because of the steepness of the slope investigation is not easy, but a large bird has appeared

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Secretary Bird

Secretary birds are often associated with big game reserves, but they are actually very widespread. Almost any open country will do, the Drakensberg included. A typical territory size is about ten square kilometres. The Cavern has a resident pair, often to be seen striding purposefully on the hillside leading to Camel’s Hump. They are looking

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Ground Hornbill

The ground hornbill is the largest of all African hornbills. It is a huge black bird with a bright red face; in flight large white wing panels are obvious. As the name suggests, it spends most of its time graciously strolling around. Unlike other hornbills it is entirely carnivorous, eating large insects and other invertebrates,

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Baboon Trail

GRADE: S TIME: 1 hour, return or round trip DISTANCE: 1.5 km TERRAIN: Undulating well-marked path. Starting point is above the Spa – The Putterills weir path. Follow the path on an easy gradient through the Fern Forest, crossing the stream several times. You will pass May’s Falls and cross the river once more. The

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