Khanyisela Project Update November 2014
Hi All, We have just spent 3 weeks at the Cavern (our forth visit this year) working on the Khanyisela Project and Wow! What a week we have just had with visitors from the Rotary Club of Retford. Read on.
Hi All, We have just spent 3 weeks at the Cavern (our forth visit this year) working on the Khanyisela Project and Wow! What a week we have just had with visitors from the Rotary Club of Retford. Read on.
Spring has sprung in the Drakensberg. Best proof comes from the arrival of a host of tropical migrants at The Cavern. They’ve come to breed and are not shy about it. Most of the noise comes from cuckoos. The Red-chested Cuckoo, with its familiar “piet-my-vrou” call is proclaiming its territory against other males, while its
Somehow there are always a few special folk that creep into your life and one such person is Terence Dunmore. A guest who visited us at The Cavern, happened to pop round to see the pre-schools we assist in Amazizi and he jumped on the band wagon to help! Over the years Terry has submitted
Wow, you have a big bag full of photographic equipment said the lady to another photographer while settling in recently at the Lenzansi Lecture Room at The Cavern. “Yes I know” was the reply, but that is why I joined the Photographic Weekend at The Cavern because I really do not know how to use
The story begins some years ago when a thoroughbred, wine drinking, hipster beard-wearing, voortrekker (that’s me, Johannes Nicolaas Coetzee or Jan-Nico Coetzee for people from the last outpost of the British Empire of Natal) decided to follow the wagon tracks of his forefathers of the likes of Piet Retief and his band of brothers, sisters,
We felt a little down after hiking for 40 days but we soon had a new challenge ~ #runtheberg. A 2-day stage race in October. Day one would head up the mountains and day two would be through the valley.Well, the weekend arrived and although we could have been fitter we decided that run or
Matthew Savides is fine about the cannibals but quaky with the horses on a weekend in the Northern Drakensberg IN the 1820s — or so the story goes — Zulu King Shaka’s army marauded their way through the Drakensberg, forcing smaller, weaker, worsearmed and less battle-hardened tribes to flee for their lives. One of those
I am always telling my students that the benefits of yoga are so far reaching I never have time to mention them all… but the one benefit that every single one of us living on this planet can benefit from… is releasing a bit of stress and tension. And that is what the yoga retreat
A wonderful painting holiday Perfect sunny weather and another wonderful painting holiday workshop has just ended. Anne, Jaclyn and Ebeth from JHB together with Maria, Rose and Gloria from DBN, were the enthusiastic participants with me, Colleen, being the teacher/fellow artist. We combine the relaxation of a peaceful ‘Berg holiday with the excitement and satisfaction
The Cavern, in the Northern Drakensberg, held its annual Stargazing weekend on 22-24 August. As usual Tim Cooper brought along a large telescope to show guests the wonders of the heavens. A large cold front cleared away during Friday, leaving clear skies, but with very high winds, the sky was very turbulent, and the observing