Somehow there are always a few special folk that creep into your life and one such person is Terence Dunmore. A guest who visited us at The Cavern, happened to pop round to see the pre-schools we assist in Amazizi and he jumped on the band wagon to help!
Over the years Terry has submitted several applications for funding for our Khanyisela Project. Some have gone two steps forwards, others have been turned down but just recently the International Rotary awarded our project a handsome grant. This would not have been possible without the determination of our good friend, Terry. While we do know there are others assisting, there is certainly one main driving force!
This sum of money enabled us to buy books for all the little schools in Amazizi. It also meant that I had two mornings out of the office to drive the delivery van! There can’t be anything more special than bringing smiles of joy to little folk. They almost explode with happiness and those that aren’t too sure, turn pages carefully, have an enquiring look and then the joy brims from within….
Thank you Terry for persevering. Thank you to Rotary for recognizing our project and assisting. Thank you to all the little people who make it all so worthwhile!
PS toilets, jungle gyms and teacher training are all part of this amazing grant!
Megan Bedingham